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Whimsical Fabric Wacky Wednesday

If you haven’t figured it out, I love bag making! I also love Whimsical Fabric! Every other Wednesday, Danielle puts a bundle of fabrics on sale in her group for a special price. I have been purchasing mine ahead of time. We have had a blast picking out patterns and brainstorming what can be done with these bundles.
Today’s bundle is Art Gallery Fabrics Geometric Bliss in the Turquoise Angle colorway. It’s by Jenni Baker of In Color Order.

Isn’t it just gorgeous??


For this bundle, I decided to make a Donna from Swoon. I love her construction and the ease of using her patterns. Of course Danielle challenged me to make a matching pearl to go with it. I accepted and killed it!


Both these patterns were easy to put together. Let’s talk about pearl for a moment.


this is one of those patterns that you see and think, “there is no way I can sew a wallet!” Let me tell you, the hardest part of it was folding the card slots the right way!” Once that was done, it sewed up pretty quick! I love the entire thing! It has a removable bifold, a zipper pocket for change, and is thin enough to slip into a purse easily!


Donna was a pretty straight forward bag, a slip pocket on the outside, a zipper pocket on the inside and a drop in lining. I still struggle with the drop on linings, but I am slowly getting better! I love the front pocket with the piping detail!


We posted a sneak peek yesterday in the Whimsical Fabric group, and it has sparked a lot of questions about my logo and my labels. My logo was designed by a friend from an idea in my head, but my labels I bought from a company on Etsy called Mountain Street Arts. Pam was wonderful to work with, and the turnaround was super fast! If you message her, be sure to let her know you came over from the CBAT blog!


I love the mint green on the inside!


card slots..probably the toughest part of the wallet!

Just a reminder, the Wacky Wednesday Deal starts at 12 pm CST (10 am PST) and is good only until it sells out (and I know this one will!) so be sure to head over there and snag yous quick!

And a little side note..Miss Danielle doesn’t know this yet, but she loves this set so much, it is being sent to her today 😉

Happy Sewing!


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PDF Designer Services

When I started Connected by a Thread, it was because I had multiple designers tell me that I should not be working for free. I have been providing most of these services for free for over 3 years! Pattern Designer Services list

Having worked with multiple designers, I chose to develop this business by taking the stress off the designer for some of the tasks that keep them away from the designing side of their art.

Pattern Proofing- When you (or your trusted testers) are reading your pattern, it is easy to miss things as you know what it is suppose to say. I have a different way of reading the patterns that helps me to catch things you would normally miss.

Sew-a-Longs & Blog tours- Anyone that has been in the PDF world knows that these take up a lot of time! They take a lot of planning, then a lot of social media time to advertise/post each day and to answer questions of the daily steps. Let me take that stress away!

Pattern pictures/Pattern writing: For some designers, this is the hardest part. I can provide a simple set of directions that you can then tweak to fit your style. I can also take your pattern and take the step by step pictures for you.

Final Pictures- Do you have the pattern finished and just need some extra pictures for promotions? I sew for myself, my children (a teen and a toddler), and also have access to kids of other ages. I am not a professional photographer, but have improved my skills over the last year with the upgrade of my camera.

Answering e-mails/Facebook messages- This was a special request from a designer. Sometimes you need to be concentrating of other aspects of your business and the messeges/emails for help get pushed aside.

Social Media consult/overview- We all know how important social media is to a business these days. Let me help you succeed! I will look at all areas that you are currently using and provide feedback on improving your presence. I will offer suggestions on how to get your name out there, and the correct avenues to use.

Have something you need help with but don’t see it above? Just ask!

If you would like more information, please feel free to contact me!


E-mail: connectedbyathread (at) gmail (dot) com